FAQ: What is so bad about Lyngbya?

According to a 2014 study published in The Society for Freshwater Science, the abundance of Lyngbya in a water body coincides with a decreased carrying capacity for fish and significantly alters the dynamics of freshwater ecosystems (Hudon, et. al. 2014) Lyngbya and the decaying detrital material on the bottom of the river reduces the amount of sunlight essential to the growth of native grasses.

FAQ: Why is planting native grass important in Kings Bay?

Estuarine habitats are among some of the fastest disappearing ecosystems on earth (Mcleod et. al., 2011) The reduction in seagrass beds lowers nature’s capacity for carbon storage which has serious implications for human populations that depend on these ecosystems for food, livelihoods, and coastal protection. A 2016 study by researchers at MIT Sea Grant, EPA, Boston University, and others found that as a whole, mangrove, salt marsh, and seagrass ecosystems are estimated to be disappearing from 2 to 15 times faster than terrestrial forests.

FAQ: Why was “Rock Star” eelgrass selected to be planted in the Kings Bay Restoration Project?

The eelgrass used in the KBRP is a salt-tolerant freshwater species that survived high salt concentrations and turbidity from Hurricane Hermine in September 2016. The Rock Star eelgrass beds recovered quickly after exposure to events like unnaturally high salt water, high turbidity, and increased nutrient exposure. (Caloosahatchee River Science Workshop Nov. 2013)

FAQ: What kinds of planting units were used in the Kings Bay Restoration Project & why?

There were three different types of planting units used in the project: 4” peat pots, peat pellets, and GrowSAV Safe Pots. Once the detrital material and Lyngbya were removed to expose the natural sand sediment, 4” peat pots were planted and covered with protective herbivory exclusion cages. In areas too shallow to allow the use of protective cages, specialized pellets of grass were planted in thick groups using a patented planting vessel called a Jeb boat. And, in areas where the soil was too loose to hold the peat pots and grass pellets, a patented planting device called a GrowSAV Safe Pot was used to anchor the grass into the soft soil until the roots could get established, preventing fish, crabs, and other predators from pulling the units from the soil.

FAQ: What’s been done to ensure the eelgrass can become established?

Key to the success of the KBRP was the use of the patented herbivory exclusion cages, especially to protect the newly planted grasses from manatees. A 2004 study in Kings Bay published in the Journal of Plant Management indicated that the success of any future larger-scale transplant efforts in Kings Bay is contingent upon adequate protection from manatees. (Hauxwell, et. al, 2004.)

FAQ: Why is eelgrass important to the ecosystem food chain?

Seagrasses produce large amounts of oxygen and harbor millions of microscopic plant and animal plankton that form the basis of the aquatic food chain. Zooplankton (microscopic animals) live in grasses and are an essential link in the food chain. The more eelgrass we plant, the greater the abundance of zooplankton. The result is a substantial increase in the health and biodiversity of the ecosystem. Zooplankton love to eat algae. The more zooplankton, the better the water clarity. One acre of seagrass can support 5 million grazers that remove algae and excess nutrients from the water column. (Hoffman, et.al., 2010).

FAQ: What are some of the benefits of these critical grass fields?

Grass beds provide nursery areas and feeding grounds for many species of fish including those of commercial and sports fishing value. Seagrass meadows provide homes for fish and shellfish, trap valuable sediment and provide critical benefits such as maintenance of biodiversity, water-quality control, & shore-line protection that are directly used or beneficial to humans. Grass meadows remove and recycle excess nutrients such as Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the water column, provides habitat and protection from predators for more than 44 species of fish, and a natural carbon sink in both plant tissue and sediments, reducing the effects of climate change. In fact, the presence and abundance of seagrasses are indicators of the overall environmental quality of an ecosystem. (Terrados and Borum)

FAQ: How much food can a meadow of seagrass provide?

According to the Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, a single acre of seagrass can produce over 10 tons of leaves per year. This vast biomass provides food, habitat, and nursery areas for a myriad of adult and juvenile vertebrates and invertebrates. Further, a single acre of seagrass may support as many as 40,000 fish, and 50 million small invertebrates. Because seagrasses support such high biodiversity, and because of their sensitivity to changes in water quality, they have become recognized as important indicator that reflect the overall health of coastal ecosystems.

FAQ: How does the loss of seagrass affect a community economically?

Economically, Florida’s 2.7 million acres of seagrass supports both commercial and recreational fisheries that provide a wealth of benefits to the state’s economy. According to the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, Florida’s seagrass beds supported commercial harvests of fish and shellfish valued at over $124 billion. They estimated that each acre has an economic value of approximately $20,500 per year, which equals $55.4 billion annual to the state.

 FAQ: How does opening spring vents help get rid of Lyngbya?

The Kings Bay Restoration Project has resulted in the opening of more than 100 new spring vents, creating an inhospitable environment for Lyngbya growth. Increasing flow velocity in Florida spring systems has been found to have a negative impact on Lyngbya growth in the Florida Spring Systems even in the presence of higher nitrogen content (King 2012).

FAQ: Is the Kings Bay Restoration Project process working?

The Kings Bay Restoration Project is working! The results of the first year’s monitoring indicated that most of the entire planting unit deployment survived the transplanting process (97% survival). This survival rate is better than the average global success rate for transplanting seagrasses, considered to be ≤50% (Fonseca et al. 1998). The initial biological response of transplanted eelgrass indicate that the relocation methods were successful in alleviating undue stress and, at one year, the survival rate of relocated plants exceeds the target rate of 80%. Other indicators of success include:

  • The protective exclusion cages were effective at protecting the new grasses from herbivory.
  • All three forms of plantings (peat pots, peat pellets, and specially designed inverted peat pots called Safe Pots) are expanding beyond their original planting sites. vegetative runners extend well beyond the cage limits.
  • Over the entire site, SAV cover was generally above 50%.
  • The biological survey data shows no signs of plant stress to inhibit growth.
  • Grasses are absorbing dissolved nutrients from the water, evident by high level of growth rate and leaf production.
  • Leaves and Rhizomes are generating oxygen bubbles which inhibits Lyngbya
  • Plants are providing habitat for small grazers (zooplankton & invertebrates)
  • Plants are providing forage for herbivores
  • We are seeing increased animal utilization of the restored areas
  • Numerous species of fish & crustaceans have now been observed to inhabit restored areas including: mullet, snook, snapper, tarpon, redfish, bass, gar, panfish, trout, catfish, blue crabs, sheepshead, crayfish, shrimp, etc.

FAQ: What is one of the biggest problems faced during the restoration effort?

According to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, boat anchors and propellers can leave “scars” in a seagrass bed—killing sections of the seagrass and fragmenting the habitat. This fragmentation of seagrass beds can increase erosion around the edges. The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA note that propeller damage will fragment the grass bed and severely restrict the movement of marine wildlife. This can create barren areas where aquatic life once flourished. Carelessness can quickly impair this precious resource – a propeller scar cut into seagrass today can be identified for up to seven years or longer.

FAQ: What’s Next?

Save Crystal River’s restoration project includes more than 91 acres of residential canals. To date, we have completed the restoration of approximately 15.45 acres in the Hunter Springs Basin area, surrounding canals, and canals near Three Sisters Springs. The next phase of restoration is scheduled to continue the 7 canals adjacent to Three Sisters Springs, a major first magnitude springs and a primary manatee wintering site.