Project Video Library

Stay informed on the Kings Bay Restoration Project’s progress and success with our entire video library.

From our very beginnings to now, stay in the know!

Have you ever wondered why Crystal River and Kings Bay are not crystal clear as the name implies? Community members wondered the same thing, banded together, and formed Save Crystal River to find a solution. Together they have been restoring Kings Bay back to the crystal clear springs it once was, full of lush eelgrass and wildlife. See more about this project to learn what happened to the bay and just how they accomplished such an amazing feat!

In order to clean Kings Bay an innovative approach had to be developed to restore such a large area and remove the millions of pounds of muck smothering these waterways. Watch and learn just how this was accomplished and see these awesome results so far.

The difference from unrestored areas to restored areas is like night and day. See the difference for yourself!

Carter Henne, President of Sea & Shoreline, explains our projected timeline for phase 2B2. This phase should take us from Fall of 2019 through Spring of 2020. **Timeline subject to change based on weather and other potential factors.