Turbidity and Salinity in Water Quality

By |August 11th, 2020|Guest Blog, Public Information, Walker on the Water|

While Save Crystal River’s efforts to plant eelgrass does not reduce salinity, the grasses themselves have the capacity to thrive in both saltwater and freshwater. Along with this survival ability, eelgrass helps hold sediment at the bottom of the river floor, which reduces overall turbidity of the water. These traits make eelgrass perfect for restoring Crystal River’s clarity and providing a stable environment for indigenous wildlife. 

Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen in Water Quality

By |July 11th, 2020|Guest Blog, Public Information, Walker on the Water|

Temperature and dissolved oxygen are just two of the many factors scientists study when determining water quality. Temperature measures how hot or cold the water is, and dissolved oxygen measures the percentage of oxygen dissolved in a given volume of water. Scientists use both of these as an indicator of contaminants or abnormal activity in a body of water.

Introduction to Water Quality in Crystal River

By |June 26th, 2020|Guest Blog, Public Information, Walker on the Water|

Crystal River Florida is known for its vibrant, azure springs and “Old Florida” landscape. How can you look out on a sawgrass prairie and not say “wow”? Even though the landscape remains picturesque, the water quality of the river still drastically declines. Only 40 years ago, one could clearly see fish and manatee swimming below. Now in the main river, it is hard to spot any fish unless they jump from the murky water.

Eelgrass Effect: Local Tour Business

By |May 5th, 2020|Guest Blog, Progress, Public Information|

Years ago, we would always suggest taking a manatee swim tour during manatee season. During the summer months, we would swim in dark dirty water. The bottom was algae ridden and just plain muck… YUCK! We didn’t know it yet, but this was all about to change!!

Work Continues for King’s Bay Restoration Project

By |April 1st, 2020|Progress, Public Information|

As the end of manatee season nears, we are excited to dive back in full swing! While the project may have slowed down over the winter months, rest assured our workers with Sea & Shoreline have still been actively cleaning and making progress in our approved winter permitted areas.

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